
12 Gift Ideas for Someone with Depression

Do you have a friend or family member who experiences depression? Check out these 12 great gifts for someone with depression. These gifts encourage self-care, the use of adaptive coping strategies, and positive thinking.

Coping Cards

It is often difficult to access helpful, more rational thoughts when we are feeling upset. Coping cards allow us to prepare for this by writing down helpful coping statements ahead of time, so that we can read through these statements when we feel upset and would otherwise find it difficult to access helpful thoughts and ways of viewing situations.

Resources - Helplines & Lifelines

In honor of Suicide Prevention Awareness Month, I have put together a list of helplines available for people experiencing emotional distress, including lifelines for those in need of crisis intervention. If you or someone you know is experiencing emotional suffering, please review these available resources and call for help today.

Positive Self Affirmations

Positive self affirmations are an important tool for countering unhealthy and inaccurate beliefs that lead to low self-esteem, depression, anxiety, and other forms of distress.

List of 50 Enjoyable Activities

A short-term strategy to increase positive emotions is to engage in pleasant experiences. Aim to do at least one enjoyable activity per day. See this list for 50 ideas of activities that you may enjoy.