The body scan is a mindfulness practice that enhances the mind-body connection.By repeatedly practicing the body scan, you can change your relationship to discomfort.
Monday Dose of Mindfulness: Mindfulness of Pleasant Events
Monday Dose of Mindfulness: Mindfully Perform a Task
Monday Dose of Mindfulness: Mindful Observation of Nature
Monday Dose of Mindfulness: Mindful Walking
The focus of today’s Monday Dose of Mindfulness is Mindful Walking. This exercise may be an especially beneficial way for individuals who have difficulty sitting still (e.g., ADHD, restlessness due to anxiety) to begin practicing mindfulness, as many other mindfulness exercises involve stillness in the body.
Monday Dose of Mindfulness: Focusing on a Single Object
Do your thoughts ever mindlessly wander from one thing to the next? Do you find yourself easily distracted at times? Today's Monday Dose of Mindfulness exercise will help you to train your brain to focus your attention on a single object. With practice, you will enhance your ability to maintain your focus in your day to day life.
Monday Dose of Mindfulness: Mindful Listening
Have you ever found yourself mindlessly nodding along as someone speaks without really listening to the words being said? Or had to ask someone to repeat something that he or she has just said to you because you can’t seem to recall it at all? These examples highlight some of the reasons it is beneficial to practice mindfulness, or fully bringing awareness to the present moment without judgment, in any situation that requires listening.
Monday Dose of Mindfulness: Thought Defusion
Have you ever had upsetting thoughts sitting at the forefront of your mind and become stuck going over and over these same upsetting thoughts? When we become preoccupied with distressing thoughts or images that keep repeating, it blocks us from enjoying our lives. In order to decrease our distress we must develop skills that enhance our ability to choose which of our thoughts we want to pay attention to and which of our thoughts we want to allow to float away.